
Conveniently located to serve Alpharetta, John's Creek, Milton, and Roswell


At its core, cosmetic dermatology is the ultimate fusion of art and medical science. It requires a mastery of human anatomy and specialized treatments combined with the recognition that every person is unique and requires a personalized approach in their aesthetics journey. As no two individuals are completely the same, neither is any one person’s anatomy a mirror image of another.

Aesthetic dermatology involves treatment of the skin and its related structures to preserve or enhance one’s appearance. Elements of cosmetic dermatology are often combined with medical and surgical dermatology to ensure a patient simultaneously receives both an optimal health and cosmetic outcome. As Dr. Patel’s favorite mentor affectionately tells patients, “We are vain for you!”

Aesthetics can be utilized to reverse skin damage and signs of aging. After all, aging is a dynamic process, and quantifiable signs of aging have been studied for decades. Certain treatments in aesthetics can even help prevent pre-cancerous and cancerous skin lesions from developing.

At House of Dermatology, we are passionate about providing our patients with an attentive, individualized approach to look and feel their best. You can expect a detailed exam and discussion about what makes you unique coupled with encouragement to openly discuss your own unique circumstances and wishes. We believe that properly executed cosmetic dermatology can be life-changing and provide a tremendous source of confidence and joy.

House of Dermatology is committed to providing top-tier cosmetic dermatology services in Alpharetta. Our mission is to help you achieve your aesthetic goals using advanced treatments, including Botox and injectable fillers. We focus on safety, quality, and delivering personalized results to enhance your natural beauty.

Botox: Botox treatments are a cornerstone of our cosmetic dermatology services. They effectively reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, offering a non-surgical solution for a more youthful and refreshed look.

Injectable Fillers: Our injectable fillers are designed to restore volume, reduce sagging, and enhance your facial contours. With the use of dermal fillers, we aim to help you achieve a natural and radiant appearance.

Tixel: Tixel is a cutting-edge treatment that can address various skin concerns, including fine lines, scars, and texture irregularities. This non-invasive procedure offers remarkable skin rejuvenation results.

FAQsFrequently Asked Questions

What is cosmetic dermatology, and how does it differ from general dermatology?

Cosmetic dermatology focuses on enhancing the appearance of the skin and addressing aesthetic concerns, while general dermatology deals with medical skin conditions and diseases.

Are Botox injections painful?

Botox injections are typically well-tolerated, and any discomfort is minimal and brief. Many providers use small, fine needles to minimize discomfort. When you undergo Botox in Alpharetta, you’ll feel some mild discomfort, but never pain.

How long does it take to see the results of Botox treatments?

Botox results are usually noticeable within a few days, with full effects becoming evident within two weeks.

How long do the results of injectable fillers last?

The duration of filler results varies depending on the product used. Typically, results can last from 6 months to 2 years or more. Getting injectable fillers in Alpharetta will last you a long while.

Is there a specific age at which one should consider cosmetic dermatology services like Botox or fillers?

The appropriate age for cosmetic treatments varies among individuals. It often depends on personal goals and skin condition. Consultation with a dermatologist can help determine the best timing for your specific needs.

What is Tixel and how does it work for skin rejuvenation?

Tixel is a non-invasive skin rejuvenation treatment that uses a specialized thermal device to deliver controlled heat energy to the skin’s surface. This controlled thermal energy stimulates collagen production, improves skin texture, and reduces the appearance of fine lines, scars, and uneven skin tone.

What are the common areas that can be treated with Tixel?

Tixel is a versatile treatment that can be used on various areas of the face and body. Common treatment areas include the face, neck, and décolletage, but it can also be used to target specific concerns like acne scars, stretch marks, and wrinkles.


Ready to start your journey towards a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance? We invite you to fill out the contact form below and take the first step towards achieving your aesthetic goals with House of Dermatology. Our dedicated team is here to assist you throughout the process and answer any additional questions you may have.

InjectablesBotox + Fillers

